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Interface 2.00
© Software Interrupt 1990
See notes at end for update info......
This manual and software is public domain. It may be copied and distributed freely
as long as:
It is not separated from the documentation (except for commercial use)
The module is not tampered with
You do not claim that you have written the module
Do not use any of the code contained in this module in your own code
If you wish to use this in a commercial product please contact me so that I can make
sure you have the latest release, please send a disk.
In no circumstances shall the author be liable for any damage, loss of profits, time or
data or any indirect or consequential loss rising out of the use of this software or
inability to use this software.
Arcade BBS (081 654 2212)
The World Of Cryton (0749 679794)
All mail on the above Bulletin Bords should be mailed to JICK
**************** Introduction ***********************************************
Interface is a small module that allows application programmers to implement a
colourful and pleasant graphical user interface. Interface provides many more
functions that allows you to change the pointer shape easily and to interface with the
!Help or !Spy application.
The Interface module provides functions to improve the friendliness and appearance
of the application. The application should still operate as stated in the Acorn
guidelines in the Programmers Reference Manuals.
The module implements a number of SWIs which are described further in this
manual, these SWI calls can be called from any language. Most of the functions
provided are specified in the icons validation string, and so no complex
programming is needed to make the application look good.
This guide tells you how to fully implement the features of Interface. It is split into
the follow sections:
The first section explains the validation strings options provided
by Interface.
The next section gives details of the SWI calls provided.
The remaining section covers hints and tips on programming.
**************** Technical details ***********************************************
An indirected text icon can have a validation string which is used to pass further
information to the WIMP, such as what border type the icon has and also what
pointer, if any should be displayed whilst over this icon. The syntax of a validation
string is:
validation string ::- command {;command}*
command ::- (b | z) border-type {border-spec} |
r on/off-type {,icon-number}* |
u on/off-type {,icon-number}* |
p text-string {,x} {,y} |
i text-string |
k key-code
border-spec ::- {,button-slabbing-mask} {,slabbing-time} {,colour}*
The parameters above are described under the relevant validation command.
In simple terms, a validation string consists of a series of 'commands', each starting
with a single letter and seperated from the following command by a semi-colon.
{}* means zero or more of the thing inside the {}. The following commands are
available with the Interface module.
These commands are provided in addition to the standard Wimp validation strings.
I suggest that you edit the !FormEd program to allow you to enter larger validation
strings, otherwise when entering a help command you will only be allowed a
maximum of 80 characters.
The (B)order command tells Interface which border to use when rendering an icon.
The border types available at present are :
border type 0, this is a single border used mainly for headings and action icons.
The icon will slab inwards if the user clicks a button whilst the pointer is over
the icon providing it is not setup to ignore mouse clicks.
border type 1, this is a double border and should be used to group together
icons that perform an operation.
border type 2, this is a triple border and should be used on the default action
button. The icon will slab inwards when the user clicks a button whilst the
pointer is over this icon providing it is not setup to ignore mouse clicks.
border type 3, this is a wide inverted border and should be used on writable
icons. This border type is usually used in-conjunction with the writable
border type 4, this is an inverted version of border type 0
border type 5, this is a double wide border as used by acorn in ros 3
border type 6, etched in border
border type 7, similar to border type 0, thinner in mode 20
The second optional parameter is the button slabbing mask, this states whether the
icon should be slabbed until the button is released. The values contained in this
parameter can be from 0 to 7. The button slabbing mask can be calculated in the
following way:
Value Button Meaning
1 Adjust slab icon until adjust is released
2 Menu slab icon until menu is released
4 Select slab icon until select is released
The button slabbing mask can then be calculated by adding together the required
button values.
The button slabbing time is the minimum time that the icon will be slabbed for, the
default time is for 15cs. This value is a decimal number in centi-seconds.
The colours are specified in the following order:
{,border colour1} {,border colour2} {,slabbing out colour}
{,slabbing in colour} {,inner channel colour}
These colours can be any valid WIMP colour in the range of 0 to 15, the default
selection is 4, 0, 1, 14, 12.
The (R)adio command specified in the validation string is used to set the state of
other radio button type icons. The R command is followed by a decimal number in
the range 0 to 2, the action that these perform is:
Radio type Operation
0 this has the effect of switching off the specified icon(s).
1 this has the effect of switching on the specified icon(s).
2 this has the effect of toggling the icons current state.
This command is then followed by the numbers of the icons you wish to alter, these
should be separated by commas. This command may be specified more than once in
a validation string, for example to switch icons 1 & 2 off, 3 & 4 on and toggle the
state of icons 5 & 6 you could use the following validation string
The (U)nselectable command in the validation string has the effect of shading the
icon grey so that it cannot be selected by the user. It is followed by a decimal
number in the range 0 to 2, the action that these is described above in the radio
This command is then followed by the numbers of the icons you wish to alter, these
should be separated by commas. This command may be specified more than once in
a validation string, for example to shade icons 1 & 2, un-shade 3 & 4 and toggle the
state of icons 5 & 6 you could use the following validation string
The (P)ointer command is used to define a pointer to be displayed when the pointer
is over that icon. The first parameter is a sprite name to use for the pointer, this
should be no longer than 12 characters and should be present in the WIMP sprite
pool. The optional parameters specify the x and y offsets to the active point in the
sprite, these should be specified in pixels.
The (I)nformation command is used to define a message to be sent to the interactive
help application when the pointer is over the icon. If you wish to use a semi-colon
then you must place two next to each other. The maximum length of the help
message is 235 characters.
The Interface module will change to the specified pointer when the mouse pointer is
over the icon/workarea, if no pointer is specified then the pointer will default to
shape one (the default arrow shape). There are 5 pointer shapes designed in the
sprite file in the !Interface directory, these are:
ptr_write - this pointer should be used on writable icons, the suggested active
point is at coordinates x = 4, y = 4.
ptr_menu - this pointer is used where a menu can be activated by pressing the
menu button over the icon. This stops the user having to search all over the
window to find where the menu is. The suggested active point is x = 6, y = 5.
ptr_direct - this pointer is used where an object may be re-sized, the suggested
active point is at x = 13, y = 7.
ptr_hand - this pointer is used where and icon may be dragged. It is usually set
on the workarea, but it can be used on any icon (the save file icon looks great
when using it), its suggested active point is at x = 12, y = 8.
ptr_cross - this pointer is used as a crosshair, it is the same as the one used in the
Draw application. This icon gives the user a precise point when working with
line drawings, its suggested active point is at x = 13, y = 7.
You may also design your own pointers, which should be loaded into the WIMP
sprite pool. There are a few points that you should note when designing pointers
these are :
Pointer sprite names should have the form ptr_XXXXX, although this is not
compulsory it helps so that you do not get confused with pointers and normal
Do not use logical colour 2 in the pointer sprites, as this is unavailable in very
high resolution modes.
The pointers used should only be valid in your application, so you must not mask
out the Pointer_Leaving_Window in your application. You should claim
Null_Reason_Code when passed to your application, otherwise the pointer will not
change when the pointer is over the icon/workarea, see the examples for more.
You should support the !Help application to help new users using your application,
this is why I implemented a feature in Interface to make this easier. The following
was for some reason not published in the Programmers Reference Manuals, but was
in the pre-release disc version of the manuals.
For an application to use interactive help, two WIMP messages are employed. One
is used by the Help to request help, and the other is used by the application to return
the help message.
To request help, the Help application sends a message of the following form:
block +16 &502 - indicates request for help
+20 mouse x co-ordinate
+24 mouse y co-ordinate
+28 mouse button state
+32 window handle (-1 if not over a window)
+36 icon handle (-1 if not over an icon)
The WIMP system will pass this message automatically to the task in charge of the
appropriate window/icon. If the application receiving the message wishes to produce
some help, it should respond with the following message:
block +16 &503
+20 help message terminated by 0
This message can be sent to the Help application by using Wimp_SendHelp, which
is provided by the Interface module (SWI &81687).
The help text may contain any printable character codes. If the sequence |M is
encountered then this will be treated as a line break and subsequent text will be
printed on the next line in the window. If the text is too long for one line then it will
be split at a word boundary (space character).
The text should consist of simple complete English sentences, each starting on a
new line and ending with a full stop. The sentences should usually be simple
imperatives or information such as:
Click SELECT to set the alarm.
You are in Select mode.
Click ADJUST to change to path edit mode.
This is the icon for Edit.
In general you need not mention menu entries, except when specific ones interact
with pointer operations. As a general rule present information of interest to the
beginner near the top, and expert tips or information lower down.
You must use the terminology defined. For mouse operations you must use initial
capitals (for example Click). The mouse buttons must be in capitals (for example
SELECT), as must key names (for example ESC, RETURN, SHIFT, CONTROL, A, B, F1,
COPY). miss out speedups and shortcuts - just provide enough to help a beginner
without drowning them with information.
Provide interactive help thoroughly - include the icon bar, and the workarea of all
your windows. If no actions are possible in a window, just
This window shows....
if better than nothing.
You should assume a user knows:
what a MENU key is
how to navigate menu trees and choose entries
what the icon bar is
how to move/size/toggle/close windows, and so on
what 'dragging an icon' means
what 'filling in a field' (writable icon) means
The keycode command should be placed in the icon that is activated by the
keycode. It should be a decimal integer specifying the key. The up/down
arrows, tab etc.. are dealt with.
**************************** The SWI Calls *********************************
Wimp_BorderIcon (Interface_SlabButton) (SWI &81680)
R1 = pointer to block
R1 preserved
Interrupts are not defined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant
The block contains the following on entry:
R1+0 mouse x (screen coordinates - not window relative)
R1+4 mouse y
R1+8 buttons (depending on icon button type)
R1+12 window handle
R1+16 icon handle
This call is used to update an icons border. It is typically called as a result of a
Mouse_Click event, if the icon has a border type of 0 or 2 then the icon will slab
inwards. The format of the validation string is described in the previous section.
The application should the perform the task and then force the icon to normal status
by calling Wimp_BorderIcon (SWI &81680) with R1+8 set to 0.
The code to border icons and windows is outlined in the section Programming
Note that the mouse coordinates specified in R1+0 and R1+4 are not used by the
SWI and are only present to make the block compatible with a Mouse_Click event
Wimp_BorderWindow (SWI &81681)
Wimp_BorderWindow (Interface_Render3dWindow) (SWI &81681)
R1 = pointer to block
R1 preserved
Interrupts are not defined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant
The block contains the following on entry:
R1+0 window handle
R1+4 visible area minimum x coordinate
R1+8 visible area minimum y coordinate
R1+12 visible area maximum x coordinate
R1+16 visible area maximum y coordinate
R1+20 scroll x offset relative to work area origin
R1+24 scroll y offset relative to work area origin
R1+28 current graphics window minimum x coordinate
R1+32 current graphics window minimum y coordinate
R1+36 current graphics window maximum x coordinate
R1+40 current graphics window maximum y coordinate
This call is used to redraw the borders of icons in the window that are not up-to-date,
this SWI is typically called during the redraw loop of a window. The SWI will
update the window, drawing borders around any icons which have the b command
specified in the validation string and are within the specified graphics window.
The code to border icons and windows is outlined in the section Programming
Wimp_BorderIcon (SWI &81680)
Wimp_ClaimInterface (Interface_Initialise) (SWI &81682)
R0 = task handle
R0 preserved
Interrupts are not defined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant
This SWI allows your application to use pointers via the Interface module. This
SWI should be called at the beginning of your program. If you don't use
Wimp_ClaimInterface then your pointers will not be displayed.
Wimp_ReleaseInterface (SWI &81683)
Wimp_ReleaseInterface (Interface_CloseDown) (SWI &81683)
R0 = task handle
R0 preserved
Interrupts are not defined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant
This SWI stops your application from using pointers. When this SWI is called
Interface Manager will erase any workarea pointers assigned to your application and
free the memory. This should be called in your exit handler, also if an error occurs
you should also call this SWI to stop other applications from gaining your pointers.
Wimp_ClaimInterface (SWI &81682)
Wimp_SetWorkareaPointer (Interface_SetWorkareaPointer) (SWI &81684)
R1 = pointer to block
R1 preserved
Interrupt status is undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant
The block contains the following on entry:
R1+0 window handle
R1+4 minimum x coordinate of bounding box
R1+8 minimum y coordinate of bounding box
R1+12 maximum x coordinate of bounding box
R1+16 maximum y coordinate of bounding box
R1+20 24 bytes of pointer data
This specifies the pointer for an area of the window.
The bounding box coordinates are given relative to the window's work area origin.
R1+4 to R1+16 can be set to -1 to specify the whole of the window's work area.
The pointer data at +20 to +44 contains the sprite name and any x, y offset, see
validation strings for more information.
Wimp_RemoveWorkareaPointer (SWI &81685)
Wimp_PollPointer (SWI &81686)
Wimp_RemoveWorkareaPointer (Interface_RemoveWorkareaPointer) (SWI &81685)
R0 = task handle
R1 = pointer to block
R0 preserved
R1 preserved
Interrupt status is undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant
The block contains the following on entry:
R1+0 window handle
R1+4 minimum x coordinate of bounding box
R1+8 minimum y coordinate of bounding box
R1+12 maximum x coordinate of bounding box
R1+16 maximum y coordinate of bounding box
This call removes a previously installed pointer from the list of active pointer areas
for the specified window. When a window is deleted you should remove any
pointers that were related to the window, otherwise these pointers may become
active on any window which gains the same window handle in the future.
The bounding box coordinates are given relative to the window's work area origin.
R1+4 to R1+16 can be set to -1 to specify the whole of the window's work area.
R1+4 to R1+16 may be set to 0 to remove all work area pointers assigned to the
Wimp_SetWorkareaPointer (SWI &81684)
Wimp_PollPointer (SWI &81686)
Wimp_PollPointer (Interface_Poll) (SWI &81686)
R0 = Wimp_Poll reason code
R2 = task handle
R0 preserved
R@ preserved
Interrupt status is undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI not re-entrant
This call checks to see if the pointer is up-to-date. If the pointer is not up-to-date it
will change to the pointer specified in the icons validation string. If the pointer is
not over an icon then the pointer will change according to the position on the
window background.
Note that wimp_poll reason codes 0 and 4 should not be masked out, otherwise the
pointer will be out-of-date and will not function correctly.
Wimp_SetWorkareaPointer (SWI &81684)
Wimp_RemoveWorkareaPointer (SWI &81685)
Wimp_SendInformation (Interface_SendHelp) (SWI &81687)
R1 = message block as returned from help application
R1 preserved
Interrupt status is undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI not re-entrant
This call returns a help text message to the interactive help application. It should be
called when a message with the number &502 is received and the pointer is over an
icon. If there is a message in the icons validation string that the pointer is currently
over then this will be sent to the help application. It is up to the applications
programmer to take care of the help message when the pointer is over the icon on the
icon bar or is over the window workarea.
Wimp_PreProcessKey (Interface_PreProcessKey) (SWI &81688)
R0 = event type
R1 = event block
R2 = task handle
R0 = updated to new event type
R1 = updated event block
R2 = 0 if event was not dealt intercepted
This call pre-processes the up, down, tab, shift-tab keys and any specified in a specific icons
validation string using the command k<keycode>. The SWI will move icon, if neccessary or activate
a button. This call sould be called after the wimp_poll command, it will match the key to an icon
and if neccessary modify your wimp poll block and event type.
Wimp_BorderPlotIcon (Interface_Plot3dIcon) (SWI &81689)
R0 = window state (either from wimp_update/redraw or from a wimp_getwindowstate)
R1 = icon block as for Wimp_PlotIcon
This call plots a border on a window like Wimp_PlotIcon. The icon block passed in R1
should contain a block as described for Wimp_PlotIcon in the PRMs.
Wimp_BorderBoundingBox (Interface_BoundingBox) (SWI &8168A)
R1 = icon block as for Wimp_PlotIcon
R1 = updates icon block
0 min x
4 min y
8 max x
12 max y
16 border width
20 button slab state (1 = out, 0 = in)
This call returns information about the icon block passed to it. If you wish to
get the size of an icons box use Wimp_GetIconState and then pass the icon block
returned to this function.
Changes from version 1.32
this version has been fully re-written using the acorn aof assembler.
border type has changed to z to avoid conflicts with risc-os 3
Interface_Plot3dIcon has been changed so the first parameter is a window state block instead of a window handle
names has changed to interface_...., old names are still supported
better redraw code to correct problems with multi-sync modes where the icons were not alligned correctly.
Interface_BoundingBox now returns the state of the button
new border types
*command to allow changes in the slabbing colours.